The game is situated in a small town close to a medieval castle and it is surrounded by far-reaching woods and high mountains. The Hero is Roger, who used to visit his grandparents in the village. He has inherited grandparent's house, but he wasn't interested in it during university studies. Roger has come back into the small town (after a first job experience) to try to figure out what to do with his life.
The author of the project has been interested in computers and programming since primary school (90s). And like everyone at the time, computer games too. He was very like point-and-click adventure games, especially in Legend of Kyrandia and the Quest for glory series. Now, the author decided to return to this hobby and to create his own point-and-click adventure game. Themes for the games are based on children's camp games that he created. However, these topics was very comprehensive. At least he was created a smaller and simpler game - i.e. JaKo Quest, on which the author tried working with the AGS and game development.
A boy about twenty-five years old, who after years arrived at the place where he spent his holidays with his grandparents.
The character is part of the original AGS template.
Roger’s childhood mate who works at the local store. He has lived in the city since childhood.
He has a perfect overview of the town and its inhabitants.
Miss employed in the library. She is a passionate bureaucrat. She takes her work and importance very seriously.
She is not very willing to help if she is not interested in the problem. She is addicted to coffee.
A person who is absolutely sure of his position and knows that there is no one else in the town, who would wont for the position of mayor.
He likes to eat, he likes luxury goods, and others make his work. For example, a librarian. If the someone need something, it's usually done for a reasonable bribe.
A tourist arrived to see the town. He really interests in the local castle.
The tourist's story is a secondary storyline of the game.
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